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Example 9

Example 9

The aim of example 9 is to combine the ReSpeaker Microphone Array and Follow Joint Trajectory tutorials to voice teleoperate the mobile base of the Stretch robot.

Begin by running the following command in a new terminal.

# Terminal 1
roslaunch stretch_core stretch_driver.launch
Switch the mode to position mode using a rosservice call. Then run the respeaker.launch file.

# Terminal 2
rosservice call /switch_to_position_mode
roslaunch stretch_core respeaker.launch
Then run the node in a new terminal.

# Terminal 3
cd catkin_ws/src/stretch_tutorials/src/
In terminal 3, a menu of voice commands is printed. You can reference this menu layout below.

------------ VOICE TELEOP MENU ------------

VOICE COMMANDS              
"forward": BASE FORWARD                   
"back"   : BASE BACK                      
"left"   : BASE ROTATE LEFT               
"right"  : BASE ROTATE RIGHT              

STEP SIZE                 
"big"    : BIG                            
"medium" : MEDIUM                         
"small"  : SMALL                          

"quit"   : QUIT AND CLOSE NODE            

To stop the node from sending twist messages, type Ctrl + c or say "quit".

The Code

#!/usr/bin/env python

import math
import rospy
import sys

from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Int32
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
import hello_helpers.hello_misc as hm
from speech_recognition_msgs.msg import SpeechRecognitionCandidates

class GetVoiceCommands:
    A class that subscribes to the speech to text recognition messages, prints
    a voice command menu, and defines step size for translational and rotational
    mobile base motion.
    def __init__(self):
        A function that initializes subscribers and defines the three different
        step sizes.
        :param self: The self reference.
        self.step_size = 'medium'
        self.rad_per_deg = math.pi/180.0

        self.small_deg = 5.0
        self.small_rad = self.rad_per_deg * self.small_deg
        self.small_translate = 0.025

        self.medium_deg = 10.0
        self.medium_rad = self.rad_per_deg * self.medium_deg
        self.medium_translate = 0.05

        self.big_deg = 20.0
        self.big_rad = self.rad_per_deg * self.big_deg
        self.big_translate = 0.1

        self.voice_command = None
        self.sound_direction = 0
        self.speech_to_text_sub  = rospy.Subscriber("/speech_to_text",  SpeechRecognitionCandidates, self.callback_speech)
        self.sound_direction_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/sound_direction", Int32,                       self.callback_direction)

    def callback_direction(self, msg):
        A callback function that converts the incoming message, sound direction,
        from degrees to radians.
        :param self: The self reference.
        :param msg: The Int32 message type that represents the sound direction.
        self.sound_direction = * -self.rad_per_deg

    def callback_speech(self,msg):
        A callback function takes the incoming message, a list of the speech to
        text, and joins all items in that iterable list into a single string.
        :param self: The self reference.
        :param msg: The SpeechRecognitionCandidates message type.
        self.voice_command = ' '.join(map(str,msg.transcript))

    def get_inc(self):
        A function that sets the increment size for translational and rotational
        base motion.
        :param self:The self reference.

        :returns inc: A dictionary type the contains the increment size.
        if self.step_size == 'small':
            inc = {'rad': self.small_rad, 'translate': self.small_translate}
        if self.step_size == 'medium':
            inc = {'rad': self.medium_rad, 'translate': self.medium_translate}
        if self.step_size == 'big':
            inc = {'rad': self.big_rad, 'translate': self.big_translate}
        return inc

    def print_commands(self):
        A function that prints the voice teleoperation menu.
        :param self: The self reference.
        print('                                           ')
        print('------------ VOICE TELEOP MENU ------------')
        print('                                           ')
        print('               VOICE COMMANDS              ')
        print(' "forward": BASE FORWARD                   ')
        print(' "back"   : BASE BACK                      ')
        print(' "left"   : BASE ROTATE LEFT               ')
        print(' "right"  : BASE ROTATE RIGHT              ')
        print(' "stretch": BASE ROTATES TOWARDS SOUND     ')
        print('                                           ')
        print('                 STEP SIZE                 ')
        print(' "big"    : BIG                            ')
        print(' "medium" : MEDIUM                         ')
        print(' "small"  : SMALL                          ')
        print('                                           ')
        print('                                           ')
        print(' "quit"   : QUIT AND CLOSE NODE            ')
        print('                                           ')

    def get_command(self):
        A function that defines the teleoperation command based on the voice command.
        :param self: The self reference.

        :returns command: A dictionary type that contains the type of base motion.
        command = None
        if self.voice_command == 'forward':
            command = {'joint': 'translate_mobile_base', 'inc': self.get_inc()['translate']}
        if self.voice_command == 'back':
            command = {'joint': 'translate_mobile_base', 'inc': -self.get_inc()['translate']}
        if self.voice_command == 'left':
            command = {'joint': 'rotate_mobile_base', 'inc': self.get_inc()['rad']}
        if self.voice_command == 'right':
            command = {'joint': 'rotate_mobile_base', 'inc': -self.get_inc()['rad']}
        if self.voice_command == 'stretch':
            command = {'joint': 'rotate_mobile_base', 'inc': self.sound_direction}
        if (self.voice_command == "small") or (self.voice_command == "medium") or (self.voice_command == "big"):
            self.step_size = self.voice_command
            rospy.loginfo('Step size = {0}'.format(self.step_size))
        if self.voice_command == 'quit':

        self.voice_command = None
        return command

class VoiceTeleopNode(hm.HelloNode):
    A class that inherits the HelloNode class from hm and sends joint trajectory
    def __init__(self):
        A function that declares object from the GetVoiceCommands class, instantiates
        the HelloNode class, and set the publishing rate.
        :param self: The self reference.
        self.rate = 10.0
        self.joint_state = None
        self.speech = GetVoiceCommands()

    def joint_states_callback(self, msg):
        A callback function that stores Stretch's joint states.
        :param self: The self reference.
        :param msg: The JointState message type.
        self.joint_state = msg

    def send_command(self, command):
        Function that makes an action call and sends base joint trajectory goals
        :param self: The self reference.
        :param command: A dictionary type.
        joint_state = self.joint_state
        if (joint_state is not None) and (command is not None):
            point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
            point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.0)
            trajectory_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
            trajectory_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(1.0)
            joint_name = command['joint']
            trajectory_goal.trajectory.joint_names = [joint_name]

            inc = command['inc']
            rospy.loginfo('inc = {0}'.format(inc))
            new_value = inc

            point.positions = [new_value]
            trajectory_goal.trajectory.points = [point]
            trajectory_goal.trajectory.header.stamp =
            rospy.loginfo('joint_name = {0}, trajectory_goal = {1}'.format(joint_name, trajectory_goal))
            rospy.loginfo('Done sending command.')

    def main(self):
        The main function that instantiates the HelloNode class, initializes the subscriber,
        and call other methods in both the VoiceTeleopNode and GetVoiceCommands classes.
        :param self: The self reference.
        hm.HelloNode.main(self, 'voice_teleop', 'voice_teleop', wait_for_first_pointcloud=False)
        rospy.Subscriber('/stretch/joint_states', JointState, self.joint_states_callback)
        rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate)

        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            command = self.speech.get_command()

if __name__ == '__main__':
        node = VoiceTeleopNode()
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        rospy.loginfo('interrupt received, so shutting down')

The Code Explained

This code is similar to that of the multipoint_command and joint_state_printer node. Therefore, this example will highlight sections that are different from those tutorials. Now let's break the code down.

#!/usr/bin/env python
Every Python ROS Node will have this declaration at the top. The first line makes sure your script is executed as a Python script.

import math
import rospy
import sys

from sensor_msgs.msg import JointState
from std_msgs.msg import Int32
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint
import hello_helpers.hello_misc as hm
from speech_recognition_msgs.msg import SpeechRecognitionCandidates
You need to import rospy if you are writing a ROS Node. Import the FollowJointTrajectoryGoal from the control_msgs.msg package to control the Stretch robot. Import JointTrajectoryPoint from the trajectory_msgs package to define robot trajectories. The hello_helpers package consists of a module that provides various Python scripts used across stretch_ros. In this instance, we are importing the hello_misc script. Import sensor_msgs.msg so that we can subscribe to JointState messages.

class GetVoiceCommands:
Create a class that subscribes to the speech to text recognition messages, prints a voice command menu, and defines step size for translational and rotational mobile base motion.

self.step_size = 'medium'
self.rad_per_deg = math.pi/180.0
Set the default step size as medium and create a float value, self.rad_per_deg, to convert degrees to radians.

self.small_deg = 5.0
self.small_rad = self.rad_per_deg * self.small_deg
self.small_translate = 0.025

self.medium_deg = 10.0
self.medium_rad = self.rad_per_deg * self.medium_deg
self.medium_translate = 0.05

self.big_deg = 20.0
self.big_rad = self.rad_per_deg * self.big_deg
self.big_translate = 0.1
Define the three rotation and translation step sizes.

self.voice_command = None
self.sound_direction = 0
self.speech_to_text_sub  = rospy.Subscriber("/speech_to_text",  SpeechRecognitionCandidates, self.callback_speech)
self.sound_direction_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/sound_direction", Int32,                       self.callback_direction)
Initialize the voice command and sound direction to values that will not result in moving the base.

Set up two subscribers. The first one subscribes to the topic /speech_to_text, looking for SpeechRecognitionCandidates messages. When a message comes in, ROS is going to pass it to the function callback_speech automatically. The second subscribes to /sound_direction message and passes it to the callback_direction function.

self.sound_direction = * -self.rad_per_deg
The callback_direction function converts the sound_direction topic from degrees to radians.

if self.step_size == 'small':
    inc = {'rad': self.small_rad, 'translate': self.small_translate}
if self.step_size == 'medium':
    inc = {'rad': self.medium_rad, 'translate': self.medium_translate}
if self.step_size == 'big':
    inc = {'rad': self.big_rad, 'translate': self.big_translate}
return inc
The callback_speech stores the increment size for translational and rotational base motion to inc. The increment size is contingent on the self.step_size string value.

command = None
if self.voice_command == 'forward':
    command = {'joint': 'translate_mobile_base', 'inc': self.get_inc()['translate']}
if self.voice_command == 'back':
    command = {'joint': 'translate_mobile_base', 'inc': -self.get_inc()['translate']}
if self.voice_command == 'left':
    command = {'joint': 'rotate_mobile_base', 'inc': self.get_inc()['rad']}
if self.voice_command == 'right':
    command = {'joint': 'rotate_mobile_base', 'inc': -self.get_inc()['rad']}
if self.voice_command == 'stretch':
    command = {'joint': 'rotate_mobile_base', 'inc': self.sound_direction}
In the get_command() function, the command is initialized as None, or set as a dictionary where the joint and inc values are stored. The command message type is dependent on the self.voice_command string value.

if (self.voice_command == "small") or (self.voice_command == "medium") or (self.voice_command == "big"):
    self.step_size = self.voice_command
    rospy.loginfo('Step size = {0}'.format(self.step_size))
Based on the self.voice_command value, set the step size for the increments.

if self.voice_command == 'quit':
If the self.voice_command is equal to "quit", then initiate a clean shutdown of ROS and exit the Python interpreter.

class VoiceTeleopNode(hm.HelloNode):
    A class that inherits the HelloNode class from hm and sends joint trajectory
    def __init__(self):
        A function that declares object from the GetVoiceCommands class, instantiates
        the HelloNode class, and set the publishing rate.
        :param self: The self reference.
        self.rate = 10.0
        self.joint_state = None
        self.speech = GetVoiceCommands()
A class that inherits the HelloNode class from hm, declares object from the GetVoiceCommands class, and sends joint trajectory commands.

def send_command(self, command):
    Function that makes an action call and sends base joint trajectory goals
    :param self: The self reference.
    :param command: A dictionary type.
    joint_state = self.joint_state
    if (joint_state is not None) and (command is not None):
        point = JointTrajectoryPoint()
        point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration(0.0)
The send_command function stores the joint state message and uses a conditional statement to send joint trajectory goals. Also, assign point as a JointTrajectoryPoint message type.

trajectory_goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal()
trajectory_goal.goal_time_tolerance = rospy.Time(1.0)
Assign trajectory_goal as a FollowJointTrajectoryGoal message type.

joint_name = command['joint']
trajectory_goal.trajectory.joint_names = [joint_name]
Extract the joint name from the command dictionary.

inc = command['inc']
rospy.loginfo('inc = {0}'.format(inc))
new_value = inc
Extract the increment type from the command dictionary.

point.positions = [new_value]
trajectory_goal.trajectory.points = [point]
Assign the new value position to the trajectory goal message type.

rospy.loginfo('Done sending command.')
Make the action call and send goal of the new joint position.

Reprint the voice command menu after the trajectory goal is sent.

def main(self):
      The main function that instantiates the HelloNode class, initializes the subscriber,
      and call other methods in both the VoiceTeleopNode and GetVoiceCommands classes.
      :param self: The self reference.
      hm.HelloNode.main(self, 'voice_teleop', 'voice_teleop', wait_for_first_pointcloud=False)
      rospy.Subscriber('/stretch/joint_states', JointState, self.joint_states_callback)
      rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate)
The main function instantiates the HelloNode class, initializes the subscriber, and call other methods in both the VoiceTeleopNode and GetVoiceCommands classes.

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
  command = self.speech.get_command()
Run a while loop to continuously check speech commands and send those commands to execute an action.

  node = VoiceTeleopNode()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
  rospy.loginfo('interrupt received, so shutting down')
Declare a VoiceTeleopNode object. Then execute the main() method.