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Repositories Overview

This is the starting off point for exploring the many code repositories that power Stretch. The table below briefly covers the purpose of each repository.

Repo Descriptions

Repository Description
1 Stretch Body Python SDK that allows you to interact with the hardware.
2 Stretch ROS ROS related code for Stretch.
3 Stretch ROS2 ROS 2 related code for Stretch.
4 Stretch Factory Factory Python tools for debug, testing and calibration.
5 Stretch Firmware Arduino code for the firmware that drives Stretch.
5 Stretch Tool Share Hardware extensions to extend the capabilities of Stretch.
6 Stretch Install Installation scripts for Stretch.
7 Stretch Web Interface Code that allows remote teleoperation through a browser.


We welcome code contributions from the community to improve this documentation or the software stack. To report an issue or contribute to a Stretch repo, please visit the repo's Github page and either file an issue or fork the repository of interest and raise a PR.


This documentation is only to be used for an authentic Stretch robot produced and sold by Hello Robot Inc.

All Hello Robot documentation and related materials are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-ND 4.0) license.

All materials are Copyright 2022 by Hello Robot Inc. Hello Robot and Stretch are registered trademarks. The Stretch robots are covered by U.S. Patent 11,230,000 and other patents pending.