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Tutorial: Safety Features

Stretch includes several built-in functions that help it maintain safe operating conditions. These functions can be disabled and enabled via the robot user parameters.


Upon instantiation, the Robot class opens a new log file for warning and informational messages to be written to. These timestamped logs are found under $HELLO_FLEET_DIRECTORY/log.

The logging messages can additionally be echoed to the console by setting:

  log_to_console: 1

Runstop Functions

The Runstop deactivates all robot motion. It can be triggered by the physical button on the robot's head. It can also be triggered by internal monitors of the system state. The default configuration of these parameters is: | grep stop_at
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params param.pimu.config.stop_at_cliff       0                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params param.pimu.config.stop_at_high_current   0                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params param.pimu.config.stop_at_low_voltage  1                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params param.pimu.config.stop_at_runstop 1                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params param.pimu.config.stop_at_tilt   0 

Parameter Function
stop_at_low_voltage Trigger runstop / beep when voltage too low
stop_at_high_current Trigger runstop when bus current too high
stop_at_cliff Trigger runstop when a cliff sensor is outside of range
stop_at_runstop Allow runstop to disable motors
stop_at_tilt Trigger runstop when robot tilts too far

The Pimu firmware details the implementation of these functions.


The stop_at_cliff and stop_at_tilt functions are disabled by default as they are not robust to the normal operating conditions of the robot. Therefore do not rely on these functions for robot safety.

Robot Monitor

The Robot Monitor is a thread that monitors the Robot Status data for significant events. For example, it can monitor the error flags from the Dynamixel servos and notify when a thermal overload occurs. The Robot Monitor logs warnings to a log file by default.

The default parameters associated with RobotMonitor are: | grep monitor
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params   param.robot.use_monitor            1               
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params  param.robot_monitor.monitor_base_bump_event    1                        
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params   param.robot_monitor.monitor_base_cliff_event          1                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params    param.robot_monitor.monitor_current       1                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params   param.robot_monitor.monitor_dynamixel_flags              1                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params   param.robot_monitor.monitor_guarded_contact               1      
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params   param.robot_monitor.monitor_over_tilt_alert     1                             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params     param.robot_monitor.monitor_runstop        1                     
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params     param.robot_monitor.monitor_voltage                 1             
stretch_body.robot_params.nominal_params      param.robot_monitor.monitor_wrist_single_tap          1

YAML Function
monitor_base_bump_event Report when the accelerometer detects a bump event
monitor_base_cliff_event Report when a cliff sensor event occurs
monitor_current Report when the battery current exceeds desired range
monitor_dynamixel_flags Report when a Dynamixel servo enters an error state
monitor_guarded_contact Report when a guarded contact event occurs
monitor_over_tilt_alert Report when an over-tilt event occurs
monitor_runstop Report when the runstop is activated / deactivated
monitor_voltage Report when the battery voltage is out of range
monitor_wrist_single_tap Report when the wrist accelerometer reports a single tap event

Test out the RobotMonitor system by first enabling the console logging in stretch_user_params.yaml:

  log_to_console: 1

Then run the tool and hit the Runstop button, and then hold it down for 2 seconds:
For use with S T R E T C H (R) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.

Starting Robot Monitor. Ctrl-C to exit
[INFO] [robot_monitor]: Runstop activated
[INFO] [robot_monitor]: Runstop deactivated

Robot Sentry

The Robot Sentry is a thread that can override and also generate commands to the robot hardware. Its purpose is to keep the robot operating within a safe regime. For example, the Robot Sentry monitors the position of the Lift and Arm and limits the maximum base velocity and acceleration to reduce the chance of toppling. The Robot Sentry reports events to the log file as well.

YAML Function
base_fan_control Turn the fan on when CPU temp exceeds range
base_max_velocity Limit the base velocity when robot CG is high
stretch_gripper_overload Reset commanded position to prevent thermal overload during grasp
wrist_yaw_overload Reset commanded position to prevent thermal overload during pushing

Collision Avoidance

See the Collision Avoidance Tutorial for more information on the Stretch collision avoidance system.

All materials are Copyright 2022 by Hello Robot Inc. Hello Robot and Stretch are registered trademarks.