ReSpeaker Microphone Array
ReSpeaker Microphone Array
For this tutorial, we will get a high-level view of how to use Stretch's ReSpeaker Mic Array v2.0.
Stretch Body Package
In this section we will use command line tools in the Stretch_Body package, a low-level Python API for Stretch's hardware, to directly interact with the ReSpeaker.
Begin by typing the following command in a new terminal.
The following will be displayed in your terminal:
For use with S T R E T C H (TM) RESEARCH EDITION from Hello Robot Inc.
* waiting for audio...
* recording 3 seconds
* done
* playing audio
* done
The ReSpeaker Mico Array will wait until it hears audio loud enough to trigger its recording feature. Stretch will record audio for 3 seconds and then replay it through its speakers. This command line is a good method to see if the hardware is working correctly.
To stop the python script, type Ctrl
+ c
in the terminal.
ReSpeaker_ROS Package
A ROS package for the ReSpeaker is utilized for this section.
Begin by running the sample_respeaker.launch
file in a terminal.
roslaunch respeaker_ros sample_respeaker.launch
This will bring up the necessary nodes that will allow the ReSpeaker to implement a voice and sound interface with the robot.
Below are executables you can run to see the ReSpeaker results.
rostopic echo /sound_direction # Result of Direction (in Radians) of Audio
rostopic echo /sound_localization # Result of Direction as Pose (Quaternion values)
rostopic echo /is_speeching # Result of Voice Activity Detector
rostopic echo /audio # Raw audio data
rostopic echo /speech_audio # Raw audio data when there is speech
rostopic echo /speech_to_text # Voice recognition
An example is when you run the speech_to_text
executable and speak near the microphone array. In a new terminal, execute:
rostopic echo /speech_to_text
In this instance, "hello robot" was said. The following will be displayed in your terminal:
- hello robot
confidence: []
You can also set various parameters via dynamic_reconfigure
by running the following command in a new terminal.
rosrun rqt_reconfigure rqt_reconfigure