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Tutorial Track: Stretch Body

Stretch Body is a set of Python packages that allow a developer to directly program the hardware of the Stretch robots. The Stretch Body interface is intended for users who are looking for an alternative to ROS.

Stretch Body currently supports both Python2 and Python3. These tutorials assume a general familiarity with Python as well as basic robot motion control.


Tutorial Description
1 Introduction Introduction to the Stretch Body package
2 Command line Tools Using the Stretch Body command line tools
3 Stretch Body API Walk through of the Stretch Body API
4 Robot Motion How to command robot motion
4 Robot Sensors How to read robot sensors


Tutorial Description
1 Dynamixel Servos How to configure and work with the Dynamixel servos
2 Parameter Management How to work with parameter system
3 Splined Trajectories How to generated coordinated, smooth, and full-body motion
4 Collision Avoidance How to work with the collision avoidance system
5 Contact Models How to work with the contact detection system
6 Changing Tools How to configure Stretch to work with a different tool
7 Custom Wrist DOF How to integrate custom DOF onto the wrist
8 Safety Features Learn about Stretch Body features that keep the robot safe