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Getting Help

If you run into any issues or find yourself in need of additional resources while developing with Stretch, we want to hear from you!


One of the best parts of working with Stretch is the active and helpful user community. We encourage all our users to make use of the Hello Robot Forum, where you can post your own questions or search an archive of resolved issues. Our engineers regularly read and respond to threads here, as well as posting helpful tips and tricks in the Knowledge Base.


If you've run into a hardware problem, need urgent assistance, or just can't find the answer to your questions and want to chat directly with a Hello Robot engineer, please feel free to contact us directly at We love talking to Stretch users, and your feedback helps us improve the product for all our users.

Next Steps

This concludes the guides in our Quickstart tutorial. We recommend continuing to learn about Stretch in one of the following sections:

  • Developing with Stretch gives additional information and recommendations about how to approach writing software for Stretch.
  • ROS 2 Tutorials and Python Tutorials explain how to use the respective APIs to start coding and accessing some of Stretch's more advanced features.