URDF Management¶
This tutorial will show you how to access URDFs of Stretch. The URDF (Unified Robot Description Format) is the most popular file format to represent a robot's physical descpriction and geometry. A robot's URDF is used in different applications such as collision checking, navigation planners and perform forward/inverse kinematics.
Stretch URDF¶
All the Stretch robot model's URDF and meshes are managed by the standalone python package Stretch URDF.
This package can be installed by:
python3 -m pip install -U hello-robot-stretch-urdf
The URDF data is uncalibrated and is managed seperately from the Stretch ROS/ROS2 URDF data but could be ported to over using the provided CLI tools.
Accessing URDF Files¶
The URDF and mesh data is installed as a Python package. It's location can be found as:
import importlib.resources as importlib_resources
pkg_path = str(importlib_resources.files("stretch_urdf"))
The URDF naming convention is stretch_description_[model_name]_[tool_name].urdf. Example to retrieve a URDF file and mesh files directory:
model_name = 'SE3' # RE1V0, RE2V0, SE3
tool_name = 'eoa_wrist_dw3_tool_sg3' # eoa_wrist_dw3_tool_sg3, tool_stretch_gripper, etc
urdf_file_path = pkg_path + f"/{model_name}/stretch_description_{model_name}_{tool_name}.urdf"
mesh_files_directory_path = pkg_path + f"/{model_name}/meshes"
Stretch URDF CLI Tools¶
The package comes with some useful stretch_urdf_* CLI tools for you to take advantage of.
Visualize URDFs¶
You can use the stretch_urdf_viz.py tool to visualize any robot model with a tool configuration of your choice. You can also pass different arguments while on robot to visualize URDF with stretch body drivers running and visualize realtime robot motions.
$ stretch_urdf_viz.py -h
For use with S T R E T C H (R) from Hello Robot Inc.
usage: stretch_urdf_viz.py [-h] [-t] [-c] [-g]
Python based URDF visualization
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --trajectory Visualize predefined trajectory
-c, --collision Use collision meshes
-g, --gamepad Use gamepad to control pose

Copy URDF and Meshes to ROS¶
You can use the stretch_urdf_ros_update.py tool to port the right URDF and meshes in to your ROS/ROS2 stretch_description package.
$ stretch_urdf_ros_update.py -h
For use with S T R E T C H (R) from Hello Robot Inc.
usage: stretch_urdf_ros_update.py [-h] [-v] [--model {RE1V0,RE2V0,SE3}] [--tool TOOL]
[--ros2_rebuild] [-y]
Tool to update the ROS Stretch Description package Xacros and Mesh files based on the configured
End-of-Arm tool.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Prints more info
--model {RE1V0,RE2V0,SE3}
Choose a Robot model name.
--tool TOOL Choose a supported Robot tool name.
--ros2_rebuild Rebuild ROS2's Stretch Description package
-y, --yes Override Confirmation prompt.